Get your personal taxes done via email without ever having to leave your home. AGA is here to make your life easier
All prices are based on email communication
- If backup is mailed in it is an additional $25 charge to any package selected
- If you would like to drop off your backup in person and go over your tax return in person it is an additional $125 charge to any package selected
- Personal T1 tax return prepared based on the information you provide to us
- Include information from T4's, T5's, and other slips you receive
- Additional schedules related to medical expenses etc. are included
- Personal T1 tax return prepared based on the information you provide to us
- Include information from T4's, T5's, and other slips you receive
- Additional schedules related to medical expenses etc. are included
- Audit protection. If your personal return is audited by the CRA we will respond to it at no extra charge
- Personal T1 tax return prepared based on the information you provide to us
- Include information from T4's, T5's, and other slips you receive
- Additional schedules related to medical expenses etc. are included
- Audit protection. If your personal return is audited by the CRA we will respond to it at no extra charge
- Consultation on tax planning opportunities that exist for you based on your current situation
If your tax situation is more complex based on our discussions with you a different price quote will be provided.